文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術・学術基盤調査研究室
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2019
Research Unit for Science and Technology Analysis and Indicators
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), MEXT
“Science and Technology Indicators” is a basic resource for understanding Japanese science and technology activities based on objective and quantitative data. It classifies science and technology activities into five categories, such as R&D Expenditure; R&D Personnel; Higher Education and S&T personnel; Output of R&D; and Science, Technology, and Innovation and shows the state of Japanese science and technology activities with approximately 180 indicators. The report is published annually and shows the latest results of the analyses of scientific publications and patent applications conducted by the NISTEP.
This edition of “Science and Technology Indicators 2019” includes new indicators and columns such as “the sector distribution of doctorate holders sector in Japan and the United States,” “the relation between the percentage of researchers in employees and the percentage of the doctorate holders in researchers by Industrial classification,” “time series of new doctoral degree recipients in major countries,” “trends of scientific publications in sport sciences,” “trends in the amount of trade in major countries,” and “number of unicorn companies by country/region and field” (totally about 20 indicators).
Overviewing the latest Japan’s situation from “Science and Technology Indicators 2019,” it was found that the R&D expenditure and the number of researchers in Japan are the third largest in major countries (Japan, U.S., Germany, France, U.K., China and Korea). The number of scientific publications in Japan (fraction counting method) is the fourth in the world and the number of scientific publications with high citations is the ninth. Japan continues to be the world first place in the patent family (patent applications to more than two countries). These trends continue from the previous edition. The percentage of the doctorate holders in researchers differs by Industrial classification and the percentage in Japan is lower than the United States. The new doctoral degree recipients per 1 million population have been decreasing only in Japan among the major countries.