The result of “The Analysis about the Change of the Public Attitudes to Science and Technology”

The next became clear as the result of Statistical Analysis of Science and Technology Interest Level, Nobel Prize Award Interest Level, and The Science and Technology Contribution Expect Degree to The Japanese Economic Maintenance or Improvement in Global Competitiveness from the data of Research material No.211 “The Change of the Public Attitudes to Science and Technology”.
For Improvement policies such as Science and Technology Interest Level, Information dissemination which led the Internet about basic research is needed. For Improvement policies such as Nobel Prize Award Interest Level, the construction of structure which makes information spread more widely in order to be dependent on a respondent attribute from subjectivity, for example, a museum, a substantial science café are needed. The Science and Technology Expect Degree to Economic Competitiveness is greatly dependent on subjectivity from a respondent attribute. For the improvement, the measure which responds to the science and technology subject according to the right time is needed.
Moreover, Regardless of the existence of the Nobel Prize Award Interest Level, the Science and Technology Expect Degree to Economic Competitiveness falled during about 2 months, and it will go up after that. It seems that immediately after the Nobel Prize Award recognition of the importance of basic science increases, at the same time, recognition that the pile over the long period of basic research leads to social utilization will increase by the news about years of struggles or difficulties about research activities, etc.