Policy discussion for promoting STI requires perspectives of future society and a prospect of cutting-edge S&T. NISTEP attempts to see the tomorrow through foresight activities and trend analysis, with developing new methods for envisioning the future. NISTEP utilizes external experts networks and quantitative/qualitative data to identify promising S&T that are emerging in spheres.
- < Summary > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Summary report [NISTEP Report No.183 / 2019.11]
- < Interdisciplinary areas > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Close-up science and technology areas for the future in 2050-Extraction and analysis through a combination of AI-related technologies and expert judges [Research Material No.290 / 2020.6]
- < Scenario > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Society in 2040 through the Development of S&T – Conceptual scenarios – [Research Material No.291 / 2020.6]
- < Delphi > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Delphi Survey [Research Material No.292 / 2020.6]
- < Scanning > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Horizon Scanning Report [Discussion Paper No.183/ 2020.6]
- < Vision > The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Discussion on Desirable Society 2040 (Workshop Report) [Research Material No.276 / 2018.9]
- THe 10th Science and Technology Foresight: The future visions for the science & technology foresight -Summary of workshop discussions held in 2013FY- [Research Material No.248 / 2016.3]
- The 10th Science and Technology Foresight: Scenario Planning from the viewpoint of globalization [NISTEP Report No.164 / 2015.9]
- The 10th Science and Technology Foresight: Future Perspectives on Science and Technology by Field [Research Material No.240 / 2015.9]
- Contribution of Science and Technology to Future Society – Summary on the 9th Science and Technology Foresight – [NISTEP Report No.145 / 2010.12]
- The 9th Science and Technology Foresight: Contribution of Science and Technology to Future Society [NISTEP Report No.140 / 2010.3]
- The 9th Science and Technology Foresight: Contribution of Science and Technology to Future Society – Future Scenarios Opened up by Science and Technology [NISTEP Report No.141 / 2010.3]
- The 9th Science and Technology Foresight: Contribution of Science and Technology to Future Society – Capability of Local Regions for the Green Innovation [NISTEP Report No.142 / 2010.3]
- Comprehensive Analysis of Science and Technology Benchmarking and Foresight [NISTEP Report No.99 / 2005.5]
- The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey Summary [NISTEP Report No.98 / 2005.5]
- The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey Delphi Analysis [NISTEP Report No.97 / 2005.5]
- The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey Scenario Analysis [NISTEP Report No.96 / 2005.5]
- The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey Study on Rapidly-developing Research Area [NISTEP Report No.95 / 2005.5]
- The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey -Study on Social and Economic Needs- [NISTEP Report No.94 / 2005.5]
- The 7th Technology Foresight -Future Technology in Japan toward the Year 2030 [NISTEP Report No.71 / 2001.7]
- The 6th Technology Forecast Survey -Future Technology in Japan Toward The Year 2025- [NISTEP Report No.52 / 1997.6]
- The 5th Technology Forecast Survey – Future Technology in Japan [NISTEP Report No.25 / 1992.11]
- Perspectives of Science and Technology in the post COVID-19 era [Research Material No.309 / 2021.4]
- S&T Foresight 2019 –Comparative analysis of prediction by affiliation and age [Discussion Paper No.194 / 2021.4]
- Extraction of R&D area by workshop of think tank related to science, technology and innovation policy [Research Material No.299 / 2020.9]
- Comparative Analysis of Backcast and Forecast in S&T Foresight 2019 [Discussion Paper No.188 / 2020.8]
- Trial search of possible future science and technology for the achieving the SDGs [Discussion Paper No.184 / 2020.6]
- Close-up science and technology areas for the future -An attempt to extract by combination of AI-related technology and expert judges- [Discussion Paper No.172 / 2019.7]
- Study on enhancement of interactive communication using Web media for science and technology foresight [Research Material No.267 / 2017.12]
- A study of the desirable future society based on regional characteristics for establishment of “aging society x low carbon society [Research Material No.259 / 2017.6]
- Development of Foresight Open Platform [NISTEP Note No.22 / 2016.8]
- A Future Vision Realized by ICT/AI through S&T Foresight [Research Material No.252 / 2016.8]
- The 10th Science and Technology Foresight Analysis of “Future Perspectives by Field”- Convergence of Opinions by Delphi Method – [Discussion Paper No.135 / 2016.3]
- Foresight for our circular economy society -Cooperative project between Business Finland and NISTEP- [Research Material No.300 / 2020.11]
Foresight for our circular economy society -Cooperative project between Business Finland and NISTEP [Business Finland / 2020.6] - A Report on the 8th International Conference on Foresight: Foresight for Strategic Planning [Research Material No.275 / 2018.9]
- Scenarios for the Disaster Risk Reduction and Aging Society in the Future –Discussion at the Workshop in the 7th International Conference on Foresight- [NISTEP Note No.20 / 2016.7]
- Scenarios toward the Future with Water – Discussion at the International Workshop held in February 2014- [NISTEP Note No.18 / 2016.2]
- Extraction of issues and countermeasures for COVID-19 vaccine development in Japan [Research Material No.308 / 2021.6]
- Future directions of the development for innovative measurement technologies and AI analysis methods for the promotion of Brain Science –From the study of the expert workshop- [Research Material No.280 / 2019.2]
- A New Tool for Capturing Weak Signals -NISTEP’s Horizon Scanning ‘KIDSASHI’ [Policy Study No.16 / 2018.12]
- Research Trends of AI based on International/National Conferences Proceedings [Research Material No.253 / 2016.8]
- Changing landscape of Research and Development in the United States – Analysis based on scanning of published information- [NISTEP Note No.17 / 2016.2]
Science and Technology Foresight
Since 1971, large-scale science and technology foresight studies have been conducted roughly every five years in Japan. NISTEP has been implementing these studies since the 5th Foresight in 1992.
Recent studies are characterized by broad participation and holistic perspectives as well as longtime horizons. They take a medium- to long-term forward view of 30 years, gain the participation of various stakeholders, and utilize broad-ranging discussions that take into account the views of not only the seeds side (scientists, engineers) but also the demand side (experts in humanities and social sciences, citizens). Combining a variety of methods, NISTEP provides visions of the society with relevant S&Ts and societal issues.
NISTEP also conducts thematic studies and develops new methods for improvement. Furthermore, NISTEP works to enhance international activities including collaborative studies and advices to new comers abroad.
All of these activities make NISTEP a global leader in the field.
Society in 2040: Flexible society brought about by reviving and rethinking humanity
(Source: MEXT, White Paper on S&T 2020)
Surveys and research
Holistic Foresight
For the 11th Foresight (2019), NISTEP combined backcasting and forecasting approaches to create a conceptual scenario including the future vision of society, relevant S&Ts, and societal issues to consider. The study also found eight interdisciplinary S&T areas to be promoted through natural language processing and experts judgment. The results were compiled into a summary report and five-volume reports: horizon-scanning, visioning, Delphi survey, exploring interdisciplinary S&T areas, scenario building.
[The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: S&T Foresight 2019]
[The 10th Science and Technology Foresight]
[The 9th Science and Technology Foresight]
[The 8th Science and Technology Foresight]
[The 5th – 7th Technology Foresight]
Thematic Foresight
NISTEP engages in foresight studies focusing on specific themes and practices for methodological improvement. NISTEP also has an international network for collaboration and sharing experiences.
[Related activities]
[International activities]
To other Foresight activities
To Library (List of Survey/Research Achievements)
Science and Technology Trends
NISTEP conducts analysis on emerging technologies, changes in the direction of science and technology development, R&D issues to be tackled in the future, and R&D systems. NISTEP works with external experts by holding workshops and operating the S&T Experts Network which consists of around two thousand experts from academia and industry including specialists in humanities and social sciences.
Surveys and research
Horizon Scanning
NISTEP seeks signs of changes in S&T through systematic monitoring and quantitative / qualitative analysis to find out potential opportunities and risks. The results are published as articles of NISTEP’s quarterly journal ,”STI Horizon”, and reports.
[Signs of Science and Technology]
[Thematic trends]
[Trend reports]
NISTEP published “Science & Technology Trends—Quarterly Review” from 2002 to 2013, which contained articles regarding trends and in-depth analyses in specific fields, R&D issues requiring attention, and requirements for social systems.
To other trend analysis
To Library (List of Survey/Research Achievements)
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