Recently, big social changes have been accelerated, as political and economic situations are being advanced and complexed as well as the advancement of science and technology (S&T). Thus this influences uncertainty of the whole society much higher. Under the social conditions, with finding out global trends as earlier as possible, it should be indispensable for governments and private firms to develop foreseeable strategic activities which respond to social changes and future industry creation.
“Foresight” should be a helpful tool in order to draw social images to be aimed and to make strategic planning under such circumstances. It is important for foresight activities to share visions regarding the social images to be aimed and the directions toward its realization; therefore, participation of various stakeholders should be definitive conditions for consensus building.
Meanwhile, regarding prompt response to the uncertainty, there are many interests in application of new analytic tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and preparation of data infrastructure under the advancement of information technology (IT). Thus, various efforts related to the foresight activities have been promoted world widely, such as development of analytical tools to extract indications of social changes or development of promising S&T based on the big data.
In this international conference, based on showcasing examples of various efforts from overseas, possible foresight activities in future which enable strategic planning of government and private firms will be discussed with international experts.
Date: Wednesday 29 November 2017, 10:00-17:45 (The Hall opens at 9:30.)
Venues: Sokairo Hall, 1st Floor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677, Japan)[access]
Organizer: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP)
Co-organizer: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Language: English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
Capacity: 200 seats
Admission fee: Free (Open to the public)
10:00-11:00 Opening remark and Keynote Speeches
Opening remark Hideki NIIZUMA, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Keynote Speech 1: “Foreseeing the Future of Foresight?” Yuko HARAYAMA, Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Government of Japan(Japan)
Keynote Speech 2: “Japan’s Policy Making Process and Science Forecasting” Takashi SHIRAISHI, Director, The Science for RE-designing Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Innovation (SciREX) Center, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies(GRIPS) (Japan)
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Strategy and Foresight toward the future
“Strategy and Foresight in a Private Company” Haruo TAKEDA, Corporate Chief Engineer, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd.(Japan)
“Foresight for Smart Science Technology and Innovation Policy: Insights from Russia” Alexander CHULOK, Deputy Director, Foresight Centre, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), Higher School of Economics(HSE) (Russia)
“Building a foresight system in government” Peter PADBURY, Chief Futurist, Policy Horizons Canada, Government of Canada (Canada)
12:30-14:00 Break
14:00-15:30 Session 2: New Dimensions of Foresight: Stakeholder Involvement for Consensus Building
“Foresight for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in Japan: Past, Present and Future” Shinichi AKAIKE, Director, Science and Technology Foresight Center (STFC), NISTEP(Japan)
“Foresight and Community Engagement” Pirjo Kyläkoski, Head of strategy, Tekes (Finland)
“Foresight in Support of the European Union’s Future Research and Innovation Policy” Karl Matthias WEBER, Head of Center for Innovation Systems & Policy, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) (Austria)
15:30-15:45 Break
15:45-17:30 Session 3: Foresight in Digitalization: Best Practices
“Data-driven Horizon Scanning in the NISTEP; “Foresight Open Platform” and “KIDSASHI (Knowledge Integration through Detecting Signals by Assessing/Scanning the Horizon for Innovation” Hitoshi KOSHIBA, Research Fellow, STFC, NISTEP(Japan)
“Passing the Baton in a Race of Developing Innovative Ideas for the National R&D” Seongwon PARK, Research Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI)(South-Korea)
“Evaluation and Foresight in Public Research Funding: Experiences from Evaluation Capacity Building in the National Science Foundation” Anand DESAI, Section Head, Section Head, Evaluation and Assessment Capability, NSF (US)
“Engaging Policy with Multiple Futures: Experiences from the OECD and National Governments” Joshua POLCHAR, Policy Analyst, OECD
17:30- Closing Remarks Shigeharu KATO, Director-General, NISTEP
Please register on the following site. [Registration] (English registration screen opens.)
Deadline for Registration: Friday 24 November 2017, 12:00
When registration is completed, the participation voucher will be sent automatically. Please show the printed sheet at the reception of GRIPS. If you do not receive an automatic reply mail within 24 hours, please contact to The 8th International Conference on Foresight Secretariat below. Please understand that we may adjust participants due to the convenience of the hall.
(*) Information of a Workshop that follows the Symposium
For two days after the Symposium, researchers will delve more deeply into the topics of Sessions 2 and 3 with invited domestic and overseas experts, and the speakers of the symposium. The results of workshop will be opened later.
Date: 30 November 2017 10:00-17:00 and 1 December 1 2017 10:00-15:00
Venues: NISTEP Conference Room
Organizer: The National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP)
Co-organizer: The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Language: English
Style: Experts Meeting (invited members)
Dr. Miki Kuribayashi and Dr. Nobuyuki Shirakawa
Science and Technology Foresight Center
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy
Tel: +81-(0)3-3581-0605
E-mail: seminar-stfc-b[at]nistep.go.jp
The 8th International Conference on Foresight Secretariat (Registration of the Symposium)
(c/o ISS, INC.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-6369-9984
E-mail: icf2017[at]issjp.com