

Cooperation and coordination with domestic and foreign institutes and researchers is of utmost importance for science, technology and innovation policy research. NISTEP has concluded agreements and exchanged memorandums with policy research institutes around the world.

Domestic Collaboration

NISTEP exchanges memorandums with domestic policy research institutes and universities, cooperates in collaborative research, establishes data and information infrastructure, contributes to human resources development, organizes symposiums and conducts other activities in line with its objectives.

Collaboration partners: Domestic institutes and universities

International Collaboration

NISTEP exchanges memorandums with overseas policy research institutes and universities, conducts collaborative research, dispatches and receives researchers, and holds symposiums with leading researchers.

korea institute of science and technology evaluation and planning science and technology policy institute  title= national science foundation the university of north carolina at chapel hill georgia institute of technology swedish governmental agency for innovation systems chinese academy of science and technology for development

The S&T Experts Network

The S&T Experts Network is an Internet-based mechanism operated by NISTEP’s Science and Technology Foresight Center. It brings together some 2,000 S&T experts in order to gather their insights and interpretations concerning trends in the field. Each year, leading experts from industry, academia, and government serve as investigators for the Center.

The Center conducts surveys via the network to acquire information and opinions in response to requests from within NISTEP, from MEXT and from other entities. The results are used for research at NISTEP or made available as references for policy discussion.

Recent survey themes (examples)

  • Views of researchers in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake
  • Opinion survey on innovation
  • Shared use of research facilities and equipment
  • Survey on renewable energy
  • Suitable candidates for “Nice Step Researchers”

NISTEP Selection (The Researchers with Nice Step)

Since 2005, NISTEP has been selecting people who have made significant contributions to S&T as “NISTEP Selection (The Researchers with Nice Step)”.

Selected 2024 Nice Step Researchers visited Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Press releases concerning NISTEP Selection (The Researchers with Nice Step) (in Japanese)

Public Relations

Public relations activities include issuing press releases of our research outcomes and distributing the NISTEP Newsletter and annual reports.

Press Release

No press releases are currently posted in English.

NISTEP Newsletter

The NISTEP Newsletter (Japanese text only) began in February of 2011 for the purpose of communicating our activities.
*Please register here if you wish to receive the NISTEP E-Mail Newsletter.

Annual Report

We publish an annual report with an overview of our activities, including our research outcomes, and international collaboration.


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