Type/No. |
Issue year |
Title |
RM:344 |
2024.10 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2022 |
RM:343 |
2024.9 |
A survey of future descriptions in policy documents |
RM:342 |
2024.9 |
Brief survey on the use of open source / data in research activities 2024 |
RM:341 |
2024.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2024 |
RM:340 |
2024.6 |
Benchmarking Research Capability of Universities in Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany 2023 |
RM:339 |
2024.3 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2021 |
RM:338 |
2024.3 |
Fundamental Science and Technology Foresight Contributing to Carbon Neutral by 2050 |
RM:337 |
2024.3 |
The 2021 Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows Regarding Employment and Careers in Japan |
RM:336 |
2024.2 |
A survey of science and technology that experts are focusing on 2023 |
RM:335 |
2023.12 |
A Survey on Open Research Data and Research Data Management (RDM) 2022: The State of Open Science in Japan |
RM:334 |
2023.12 |
The Future Society and Carbon Neutrality |
RM:333 |
2023.12 |
Laboratory Panel Survey Report FY2022: 1) Proposal of indicators related to the research capabilities of research laboratories and groups 2) Analysis on the relationship between the characteristics of research laboratories and groups and the production of highly-cited papers |
RM:332 |
2023.11 |
Foresight’s global trends – Landscape of global activities and representative projects |
RM:331 |
2023.9 |
The 12th Science and Technology Foresight Survey: Co-Creating Value-Driven Visions of Preferred Futures – Synthesis Report |
RM:330 |
2023.8 |
Evaluation of long-term perspectives on S&T: 20 years of S&T topics covered in past Delphi surveys |
RM:329 |
2023.8 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2023 |
RM:328 |
2023.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2023 |
RM:327 |
2023.4 |
A Survey on Open Access and Preprints 2022: The State of Open Science in Japan |
RM:326 |
2023.3 |
Fact-finding survey of predatory journal list |
RM:325 |
2023.2 |
A survey of science and technology that experts are focusing on 2022 |
RM:324 |
2023.1 |
Brief survey on the use of open source / data in research activities |
RM:323 |
2023.1 |
The 2021 Survey of Japan Master’s Human Resource Profiling |
RM:322 |
2022.12 |
Differences in research activities by research size of universities and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university research activities: Regular report of the Laboratory Panel Survey 2021 |
RM:321 |
2022.12 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2020 |
RM:320 |
2022.10 |
Foresight’s global trends – impacts of COVID-19 and future activities – |
RM:319 |
2022.10 |
Consideration of the future at the region- Examination of the society aimed at after the epidemic of the COVID-19 and measures for its realization- |
RM:318 |
2022.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2022 |
RM:317 |
2022.1 |
4th Report of the Japan Doctoral Human Resource Profiling Project |
RM:316 |
2021.11 |
A Survey on Open Research Data and Open Access 2020 |
RM:315 |
2021.10 |
A survey of science and technology that experts are focusing on 2020 |
RM:314 |
2021.10 |
Survey for comprehension of research activities using a database for comprehension of research activities (Labo-panel survey 2020): The summry of basic findings |
RM:313 |
2021.9 |
Survey on the impact of response to the COVID-19 epidemic on research productivity – Web Questionnaire Survey on Japan Graduates Database (JGRAD) – |
RM:312 |
2021.8 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2021 |
RM:311 |
2021.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2021 |
RM:310 |
2021.6 |
The 2020 Survey of Japan Master’s Human Resource Profiling |
RM:309 |
2021.4 |
Perspectives of Science and Technology in the post COVID-19 era |
RM:308 |
2021.6 |
Extraction of issues and countermeasures for COVID-19 vaccine development in Japan |
RM:307 |
2021.5 |
Science, Technology and Higher Education Policy at the European level: Current Status and Formulation Process |
RM:306 |
2021.3 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology: Analysis of Determinants of Social Acceptance of New Technology |
RM:305 |
2021.3 |
Employment Status of Instructional Staff at 18 Research Universities |
RM:304 |
2021.3 |
The 2018Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows Regarding Employment and Careers in Japan |
RM:303 |
2021.3 |
Impact of COVID-19 on S&T in Japan and contributions of scientists and engineers- A Comparison of the Great East Japan Earthquake by a survey of the S&T Expert Network |
RM:302 |
2021.2 |
Survey on satisfaction with doctoral education programs – Web Questionnaire Survey on Japan Graduates Database (JGRAD) in 2020- |
RM:301 |
2021.2 |
Survey on Utilization and Perception of Preprints |
RM:300 |
2020.11 |
Foresight for our circular economy society -cooperative project between Business Finland and NISTEP- |
RM:299 |
2020.9 |
Extraction of R&D area by workshop of think tank related to science, technology and innovation policy |
RM:298 |
2020.9 |
Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 on research activities-Web Questionnaire Survey on Japan Graduates Database (JGRAD)- |
RM:297 |
2020.9 |
IDetailed analyses on full-time equivalent R&D expenditure and the number of researchers in Japanese universities |
RM:296 |
2020.8 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology: Social Acceptance of New Technologies |
RM:295 |
2020.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2020 |
RM:294 |
2020.7 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2019 |
RM:293 |
2020.7 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology -Awareness of infectious diseases including new coronavirus- |
RM:292 |
2020.6 |
S&T Foresight 2019: Delphi Survey |
RM:291 |
2020.6 |
S&T Foresight 2019: Society in 2040 through the Development of S&T – Conceptual scenarios – |
RM:290 |
2020.6 |
Close-up science and technology areas for the future in 2050-Extraction and analysis through a combination of AI-related technologies and expert judges- |
RM:289 |
2020.5 |
A Survey on Open Research Data and Open Access 2018 |
RM:288 |
2020.3 |
Benchmarking Research Capability of Universities in Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany 2019 |
RM:287 |
2020.2 |
International Comparison of Mathematical Research-From “Forgotten Science” |
RM:286 |
2019.12 |
How to Break the Sense of Blockage among Researchers: Towards Sharing of Prerequisites for Evidence-based Policy Planning |
RM:285 |
2019.11 |
Analysis on the international expansion of research activities in Japan focusing on citation and co-authorship of papers |
RM:284 |
2019.8 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2019 |
RM:283 |
2019.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2019 |
RM:282 |
2019.6 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology:Society 5.0 |
RM:281 |
2019.5 |
Attitudes Survey on Doctorates Career by JGRAD - Report on JGRAD 2018 Survey ― |
RM:280 |
2019.2 |
Future directions of the development for innovative measurement technologies and AI analysis methods for the promotion of Brain Science –From the study of the expert workshop- |
RM:279 |
2018.12 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology: Interest and Trust for S&T in 3/2016 –10/2018, and Natural Disaster 2018 |
RM:278 |
2018.11 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2018 |
RM:277 |
2018.9 |
Gross National Turnover from New-to-Market Product Innovation (GTNTMInno): A Newly Proposed Indicator on the Impact of Introducing New Products to the Market and the Preliminary Estimation |
RM:276 |
2018.9 |
The 11th Science and Technology Foresight: Discussion on Desiravle Society 2040 (Workshop Report) |
RM:275 |
2018.9 |
A Report on the 8th International Conference on Foresight: Foresight for Strategic Planning |
RM:274 |
2018.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2018 |
RM:273 |
2018.5 |
Study on acquisition of skills and abilities required in the industry |
RM:272 |
2018.3 |
The awareness of undergraduates about scientific and technological information and their own career path |
RM:271 |
2018.3 |
Output structure of the university system in Japan:In-depth analysis of the scientific papers by the university group |
RM:270 |
2018.1 |
The 2015 Surveyon Postdoctoral FellowsRegarding Employment and Careersin Japan |
RM:269 |
2017.12 |
Analysis on the Social Survey on Science and Technology and Society |
RM:268 |
2017.12 |
A Survey on Open Research Data and Open Access |
RM:267 |
2017.12 |
Study on enhancement of interactive communication using Web media for science and technology foresight |
RM:266 |
2017.12 |
Comprehensive Survey on Patent Applications Based on Inventions by National University Researchers |
RM:265 |
2017.8 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology:Effects of child / student period |
RM:264 |
2017.9 |
Analysis of Reseach activities of Japan using Linkage Data of Web of Science and Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scintific Research (KAKEN): Scientific Publication Production and Structure of Researcher’s Class of Position |
RM:263 |
2017.7 |
UMETRICS in term of human resource policy for PhD holders; International comparative study between UMETRICS in US and JGRAD in Japan |
RM:262 |
2017.8 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2017 |
RM:261 |
2017.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2017 |
RM:260 |
2017.6 |
Survey Report on Regional Innovation System |
RM:259 |
2017.6 |
A study of the desirable future society based on regional characteristics for establishment of “aging society x low carbon society |
RM:258 |
2017.3 |
Structure Understanding of the Research Activities of University Sub-Organization Level using Bibliometric Analysis |
RM:257 |
2017.2 |
Inputs structure of the university system in Japan – In-depth analyses of the survey of research and development (2002~2015) – |
RM:256 |
2017.2 |
Public Attitudes to Science and Technology:An exploratory study on constructing indicators for international and time-series comparison |
RM:255 |
2016.11 |
Pilot Operation of Doctoral Human Resources Database (JGRAD); Study Report on Current Status and Improvement of its Policy, System, and Operation, |
RM:254 |
2016.10 |
Japanese Characteristics of Paper Publication by Major Countries Focusing on Journals:Open Access, Publication Countries, and Languages |
RM:253 |
2016.8 |
Research Trends of AI based on International/National Conferences Proceedings |
RM:252 |
2016.8 |
A Future Vision Realized by ICT/AI through S&T Foresight |
RM:251 |
2016.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2016 |
RM:250 |
2016.5 |
Affiliation Confirmation and Attitude Survey on Career Choicesof Doctoral Students and GraduatesUsing Doctoral Human Resources Database (JGRAD) |
RM:249 |
2016.4 |
Constructing a Database of Design and Trademark Rights |
RM:248 |
2016.3 |
10th Science and Technology Foresight Study The future visions for the science & technology foresight Summary of workshop discussions held in 2013FY – |
RM:247 |
2016.3 |
Analytical results of Japan’s agglomeration of intellectual activity |
RM:246 |
2016.3 |
Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2016 |
RM:245 |
2016.2 |
The awareness of students and their guardians about their main source of scientific and technological information and its reliability: using the topic of the Nobel Prize won by Japanese researchers in 2015 |
RM:244 |
2015.12 |
Public Attitude Survey of Science and Technolgy – Interest and Trust for S&T in 2/2014 – 10/2015 – |
RM:243 |
2015.12 |
Benchmarking Research Capability of Japanese Universities 2015 – Improving universities research activities by identifying characteristics and strength of each university – |
RM:242 |
2015.9 |
Construction and Operation of a Sustainable Database of Doctoral Program Graduates |
RM:241 |
2015.9 |
The Employment Status of Instructional Staff Members at 11 Research Universities (RU11) |
RM:240 |
2015.9 |
The 10th Science and Technology Foresight: Future Perspectives on Science and Technology by Field |
RM:239 |
2015.8 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2015 – Bibliometric Analysis on Dynamic Alteration of Research Activity in the world and Japan – |
RM:238 |
2015.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2015 |
RM:237 |
2015.4 |
Analysis of the Structure of Japan’s Scientific Publication Production using Linkage Data of Bibliographic Database (Web of Science) and Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN) |
RM:236 |
2015.4 |
Changes in the Ratio of Time Spent on Work Activities by University & College Faculty Members — A Comparison of results of the “Survey of Full-time Equivalency Data at Universities and Colleges” of 2002, 2008 and 2013 |
RM:235 |
2015.1 |
The Case Study on Management of Large-Scale University-Industry Cooperation |
RM:234 |
2015.1 |
How to set up an environment that increase researchers’ activities? – Seeking a way to create an environment that fosters and cultivates creative research – – Summary of the workshop on the TEITEN survey (March 2014) – |
RM:233 |
2014.12 |
Quantitative and Comparative Analysis on National University Systems in Japan and Germany based on Scientific Publications -Institutional Level and Researcher Level Approaches- |
RM:232 |
2014.12 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows Regarding Employment and Careers: Complete Survey on Universities and Public Research Institutes in Japan (FY2012 Data) |
RM:231 |
2014.9 |
A Study on Design and Utilization of a Database of Doctoral Recipients |
RM:230 |
2014.8 |
Social and Regional Engagement of Higher Education Institutions in Japan |
RM:229 |
2014.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2014 |
RM:228 |
2014.3 |
Investigation into Changes in the Global Innovation Index (GII) in INSEAD |
RM:227 |
2014.5 |
An Overview of Disease Prediction, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Technologies for the Realization of a Healthy and Active Aging Society – A Study on Lifestyle-related Disease (Type 2 Diabetes) – |
RM:226 |
2013.10 |
A Study on the Incorporation of Science and Technology Innovation Policy into the Macroeconomic Policy System |
RM:225 |
2014.2 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2013 |
RM:224 |
2013.7 |
How to evaluate the status of basic research in Japanese universities and what kind of measures should be taken? – Summary of the workshop on the TEITEN survey (March 2013) – |
RM:223 |
2013.7 |
Effects of Natural Scientific Events on Public Attitude to Science and Technology -Effects of the 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse- |
RM:222 |
2013.7 |
Effects of the Nobel Prize Awarding by Japanese on Public Attitude to Science and Technology -Effects of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine- |
RM:221 |
2013.6 |
Knowledge Creation and Innovation by Univeristy-Industry Collaboration: Basic findings from the large-scale survey of academic and corporate researchers |
RM:220 |
2013.11 |
The result of Study on Sustainable Saving Electricity – Future Perspective Based on the Delphi Survey and Scenarios – |
RM:219 |
2013.3 |
Study of Foreign Situations in Measurements of Economic and Social Impacts of Research and Development Investments |
RM:218 |
2013.3 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2012 – Bibliometric Analysis on Dynamic Alteration of Research Activity in the world and Japan – |
RM:217 |
2012.12 |
Doctoral Graduates Survey 2011: Analysis on Research Training and Education in Doctoral Programs in Japanese University |
RM:216 |
2012.11 |
System Design for Tracking Doctoral Graduates – Background of Database of Doctoral Graduates and Survey of Graduates in Foreign Countries – |
RM:215 |
2012.8 |
Career Paths of Doctoral Graduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Japan |
RM:214 |
2013.1 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2012 |
RM:213 |
2012.8 |
University Research Benchmarking Series Benchmarking Research & Development Capacity of Japanese Universities 2011 |
RM:212 |
2012.6 |
Analysis of job-seeking attitudes and activities of Doctoral Graduates from universities in Japan during Fiscal 2010 |
RM:211 |
2012.6 |
The Change of the Public Attitudes to Science and Technology -The Findings from Face-to-Face Interviews and from a Monthly Internet Survey- |
RM:210 |
2012.4 |
A Study of Science Shop as University’s Social Contribution to Region |
RM:209 |
2012.5 |
Analysis on Ratio of Women in Science in Japan |
RM:208 |
2012.3 |
A report on the comparative survey regarding the perception of “innovation” in Japan, USA and Germany |
RM:207 |
2012.2 |
External R&D Expense and Collaboration Between Japanese Firms and Foreign Universities |
RM:206 |
2012.3 |
Analysis on Research activities and Financial Situation of Doctoral Graduates from University in Japan at Fiscal Year 2010 |
RM:205 |
2012.3 |
Academic Start-ups Survey 2011 |
RM:204 |
2011.12 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2011- Bibliometric Analysis on Dynamic Alteration of Research Activity in the world and Japan – |
RM:203 |
2011.12 |
Knowledge creation process in science: Key comparative findings from the Hitotsubashi-NISTEP-Georgia Tech scientists’ survey in Japan and the US |
RM:202 |
2011.12 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows Regarding Employment and Moving-out Situations-Complete Survey for Universities and Public Research Institutes in Japan (FY2009 Data)- |
RM:201 |
2011.10 |
How to evaluate the changes of Japanese S&T during the period of the 3rd S&T basic plan?- Summary of the workshop on the TEITEN survey (July 2011) – |
RM:200 |
2011.9 |
Academic Start-ups Survey 2010:A questionnaire survey of universities and research institutions |
RM:199 |
2011.8 |
Quantitative Analysis on International Mobility of ResearchersBased on Author Information-Robotics, Computer Vision and Electron Devices Research Domains as Subjects- |
RM:198 |
2011.8 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2011 |
RM:197 |
2011.5 |
Academic Start-ups Survey 2010:Based on aquestionnaire survey and interviews conducted in 2010 |
RM:196 |
2011.3 |
International Comparison of the Public Attitudes towards and Understanding ofScience and Technology-Comparative Study of Internet Survey in Japan, the United States of America, andthe United Kingdom- |
RM:195 |
2011.3 |
Independence Processes of Researchers in Japan- Large-scale Survey of Job History and Authority for Research – |
RM:194 |
2011.6 |
An Extensive Quantitative Analysis of IEEE Publications― Globalization of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research ― |
RM:193 |
2011.2 |
Report of the Survey of Scientific,Technological and Academic Activitiesin the Universities |
RM:192 |
2010.12 |
Benchmarking Scientific Research 2010- Bibliometric Analysis on Dynamic Alteration of Research Activity in the world and Japan – |
RM:191 |
2010.12 |
Knowledge Creation Process in Science: Basic findings from a large-scale survey of researchers in Japan |
RM:190 |
2010.9 |
Career Paths of Recent Doctoral Graduates in Agricultural Science |
RM:189 |
2010.9 |
Academic Start-ups Survey FY2008 and Survey on Universities’ attitudes towardBusiness-Academia Collaboration |
RM:188 |
2010.12 |
Oral History of Japanese Science and Technology:How to apply these methods to policy study |
RM:187 |
2011.1 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2010 |
RM:186 |
2010.6 |
AAAS Symposium Mobilizing East Asian Science and Technology to Address Critical Global Challenges (February 21, 2010, San Diego, U.S.A) |
RM:185 |
2010.6 |
A research on accelerated examination of university patents anduniversity-industry collaboration |
RM:184 |
2010.5 |
Career Paths of Recent Doctoral Graduates in Science” |
RM:183 |
2010.3 |
Study on university/industry collaboration at Japanese national universitiesusing the database of university/industry collaboration |
RM:182 |
2010.4 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows andResearch Assistants (FY2007 and FY2008 Data) |
RM:181 |
2010.3 |
Report of the Survey of Scientifc,Tbchnological and Academic Activitiesin the Universities |
RM:180 |
2010.3 |
Analysis on the International Mobility of Doctoral Graduatesin Japan |
RM:179 |
2010.3 |
Field survey concerning effects and continuity of research and education bases in Japan:-A case study in the COEs for The 21st Century COE Program- |
RM:178 |
2010.3 |
Analysis on Research Activities in Developing Countries and International Networking of Researchers |
RM:177 |
2010.2 |
International Workshop on the Role of Design Management in Innovation Process |
RM:176 |
2010.2 |
The Field Trends in IEEE Periodicals |
RM:175 |
2010.1 |
The comparative analysis of selected countries/areas on keyissues identified in the 3rd Science and Technology Basic Plan |
RM:174 |
2010.1 |
Graduate student mobility between higher education institutions in Japan:Opprtunities and issues of students in Master’s courses of Science and Engineering |
RM:173 |
2009.12 |
Academic Start-ups Survey 2007-08 |
RM:172 |
2009.10 |
Innovation Process in the Science-based Industries III:Results from a Questionnaire Survey on the Physical Society of Japan |
RM:171 |
2009.8 |
Research on Human Resource Issue in Energy Field |
RM:170 |
2010.2 |
Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2009 |
RM:169 |
2009.7 |
The Worldwide TrendsIn the Fields of Electronics and Information & Communications- the Overiew of IEEE Periodicals(1992-2007) – |
RM:168 |
2009.3 |
Emerging fields in Science and Technologyfor the 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan |
RM:167 |
2009.3 |
Report of the Survey of Scientific, Technological and Academic Activitiesin the Universities |
RM:166 |
2009.4 |
University-Industry Collaboration and Regional Innovation in Thailand-Its Current State and lsuues- |
RM:165 |
2009.3 |
Attitude Survey on the Career Choices of Students in Master’s Courses ofScience and Engineering in Japan |
RM:164 |
2009.2 |
AAAS Symposium East Asian Science Policies and New Global Realities(Feb.14, 2009, U.S. Chicago) |
RM:163 |
2009.1 |
Survey on Mobility of Science and Technology Reseachers in Japan |
RM:162 |
2008.12 |
Current Situation and Proposals for Promotion ofScience-based MONODZUKURI technology field in Japan |
RM:161 |
2008.12 |
Investigative Survey on the Research Activities and Awareness of Postdoctoral Fellows:Analysis on Career Choices of Postdoctoral Scholars |
RM:160 |
2008.11 |
A Patent Portfolio of Universities and National Research Institutes by 8 S&T Priority Areas |
RM:159 |
2008.10 |
Survey on Research Activities and Attitudes of Postdoctoral Fellows |
RM:158 |
2008.9 |
Benchmarking Research & Development Capacity of JapanBased on Dynamic Alteration of Research Activity in the World |
RM:157 |
2008.8 |
Academic Start-ups Survey 2007 |
RM:156 |
2008.8 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants (FY2006 Data) |
RM:155 |
2008.12 |
Digest of Japanese Science and Technology Indicators |
RM:154 |
2008.6 |
A Study on University Patent Portfolios (2):The Impact of Intellectual Property Related Policiesand the Change into Corporation of National University |
RM:153 |
2008.3 |
National universities’ approach for creating an environment in whichindividuals thrive on Japan’s 3rd Science and Technology BasicPlan(FY2006-FY2010) |
RM:152 |
2008.1 |
Interview Survey: Study on Career Choices and lntentions of Postdoctoral Scholars |
RM:151 |
2008.1 |
The Present Situation and Transition of R&D Globalization in Japanese Firms |
RM:150 |
2008.1 |
Financial Analysis of All National Univerisities in Japan |
RM:149 |
2007.11 |
Report of the Survey of Scientific, Technological and Academic Activitiesin the Universities |
RM:148 |
2007.11 |
Survey on Trends in Career Pathsof Postdoctoral Fellowsat 8 Institutions『Project for Promoting Diversification of the Career Paths of HumanResources in Science and Technology』“Survey on Career Paths of Postdoctoral Fellows” |
RM:147 |
2007.9 |
A Study on University Patent Portfolios:Portfolio of Patent Application from Tohoku University |
RM:146 |
2007.8 |
Innovation Process in the Science-based IndustriesⅡ:Results from a Questionnaire Survey on the IEICE*-Electronics Society*The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers |
RM:145 |
2007.8 |
Innovation Process in the Science-based IndustriesⅠ:Results from a Questionnaire Survey on the Japan Society of Applied Physics |
RM:144 |
2008.1 |
Claims per Patent by Country, Technology and Time Period |
RM:143 |
2007.10 |
Metadata of R&D-related statistics in selected countries:Comparative study on the measurement methodology |
RM:142 |
2007.7 |
APEC-wide Foresight Project Converging Technologies to Combat Emerging Infectious DiseasesThe 1st Technology Roadmap Workshop (22 May-23 May, 2007 at Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo) REPORT |
RM:141 |
2007.7 |
A Study on Unique Exhibitions and Educational Programswhich Appeal to Community and Adult Audiences in Science Related Museums |
RM:140 |
2008.6 |
Digest of Japanese Science and Technology Indicators |
RM:139 |
2007.7 |
Survey on All National Univerisities Finance (FY2004 & FY2005) |
RM:138 |
2007.2 |
AAAS Symposium National Innovation Strategies in the East Asian Region (Feb 16, 2007 U.S. San Francisco) |
RM:137 |
2007.6 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants (FY2006) |
RM:136 |
2007.3 |
Triplehelix (Industry-University-Government Collaboration) in Local Areas:Local Innovation System and National Universities |
RM:133 |
2007.2 |
Recruitment of Researchers by Universities andPublic Research Institutions |
RM:132 |
2007.1 |
Pilot Survey on Foreign Researchers in Japan |
RM:131 |
2006.10 |
Basic Policy for the Promotion of Mathematics andConditions of Mathematics Research Centers in USA |
RM:130 |
2006.10 |
Report on the Survey of Scientific, Technological and Academic Activities in theUniversities |
RM:129 |
2006.9 |
A study on career pathways of participantsin mathematics and science competitions and seminars |
RM:128 |
2006.8 |
Survey on Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants (FY2005) |
RM:127 |
2006.8 |
Remarkable development and science & technology policy in India(Seminar report) |
RM:126 |
2006.6 |
Science and Technology Indicators- Data Updated in 2006 for 5th edition – |
RM:125 |
2006.3 |
Trend of Korean Regional Science and Technology |
RM:124 |
2006.3 |
The Science and Technology Policy Research Seminar 2006 |
RM:123 |
2006.3 |
Science and Technology Activities in China andJapan-China Relations in Co-authored Papers |
RM:122 |
2006.3 |
Characteristics of excellent research activities:Report of survey on top-researchers’ activities and their views oneffects of Japan’s science and technology policy and R&D status |
RM:121 |
2006.3 |
21st Century Innovation Systems for Japan and the United States:Lessons from a Decade of ChangeInternational Symposium Report |
RM:120 |
2005.11 |
Survey of Contributions of Public Sectors to Patents of Private Companies |
RM:119 |
2005.11 |
University-Industry Cooperation: Joint Research and Contract Research |
RM:118 |
2005.6 |
Issues faced by German S&T Policy |
RM:117 |
2005.4 |
Science and Technology Indicators 2004 – Data Updated in 2005 – |
RM:116 |
2005.3 |
The Circumstances of Japanese Researchers atNational Institutes of Health in the United States ofAmerica |
RM:115 |
2005.3 |
Structural Analysis and Content Analysis of Science and Technology Policy Documents- Cases of the First and Second Science and Technology Basic Plans – |
RM:114 |
2005.3 |
Study on Systematization of the Indicators on Regional S&T Activitiestoward Innovation |
RM:113 |
2005.3 |
Science and Technology Policy in Denmark- As an example of the science and technology policyin Nordic European countries – |
RM:112 |
2005.3 |
Science and Technology Cooperation among Nordic European Countries- As an example of the regional science and technology cooperation – |
RM:111 |
2004.12 |
International Workshop on the Comprehensive Reviewof the S&T Basic Plans in Japan(September 13-14, 2004 in Tokyo)-Toward the benchmarking of the effect by integrated S&T Policy- |
RM:110 |
2004.12 |
Statistics on Innovation in JapanReport on the Japanese National Innovation Survey 2003 (J-NIS 2003) |
RM:109 |
2004.11 |
Technologies that the government should take a strategic initiative on- Benchmark for Science and Technology Competency of Japan – |
RM:108 |
2004.10 |
Survey of Promotion for Science and Technology |
RM:107 |
2004.11 |
Researches into the effect on students of science studies at science museums inassociation with schools |
RM:106 |
2004.6 |
Survey of Research Institutions and Facilities |
RM:105 |
2004.6 |
The 8th Science and Technology Foresight Survey- Future Science and Technology in Japan -Interim eport |
RM:104 |
2004.2 |
Papers Presented at the NISTEP Researth Seminar;”R&D Strategy and Science and Technology Policy” |
RM:103 |
2003.12 |
Comparative study on the employment structure ofdoctorate recipients in Japan and the U.S.-For the promotion of alternative careersin science and technology- |
RM:102 |
2003.12 |
Research and Educational Enviroments and Effective Measures to Nurture World Class Scientists |
RM:101 |
2003.11 |
Status of the international cooperation for science and technology |
RM:100 |
2003.11 |
Research on the Promotion ofPublic Understanding of Science & Technologyand Science Communication |
RM:099 |
2003.11 |
The effects on members of public undersanding of Science and technology programs in science museumus |
RM:098 |
2003.7 |
And future problems of the advanced measurement and analysis equipment(Provisional translation) |
RM:097 |
2003.5 |
Research on Science Magazines in Japan |
RM:096 |
2003.3 |
University-Industry Research Cooperation: A Status Report, 1983-2001 |
RM:095 |
2003.3 |
New Accounting Standards for Research and Development,and its impact on companies’ behavior |
RM:094 |
2003.3 |
International Mobility of Highly-Skilled Personnel- Trends in Japan and the World – |
RM:093 |
2003.3 |
Technology Trade of Japan-2000 Fiscal Year- |
RM:092 |
2003.2 |
The Cace Study of University-Industry-Public collaborations to Identify Successful Factors for Regional Innovation Promotion -The Survey of University Industry Public Collaborations of Sapporo, Kyoto, and Fukuoka- |
RM:091 |
2002.12 |
Public Understanding of Science and Technology Activitiesin Science Museums |
RM:090 |
2002.12 |
Biotechnology R&D and the Boundaries of the Firm:Results from a Survey Study on R&D Alliance, Technology Acquisition,Outsourcing, and Overseas R&D |
RM:089 |
2002.11 |
Present data analysis of the international cooperation for the science and technologywith Russia |
RM:088 |
2002.10 |
Science and Technology Indicators 2000 -Data Update in 2002- |
RM:087 |
2002.7 |
Experimental Attempts to Estimatethe International Distribution of World Class Scientists |
RM:086 |
2002.5 |
Quantitative Methods of Research Evaluation Used by the U.S. Federal Government |
RM:085 |
2002.3 |
Comparison of Science and Technology Indicator Systems with Their Histrical Development |
RM:084 |
2002.3 |
Handbook of Selected Science and Technology Policy Research Institutes |
RM:083 |
2002.3 |
Trends in Technology Exports from Japan-1999 Fiscal Year- |
RM:082 |
2002.1 |
A Research on Chinese Environmental Destruction and DesulfurizationTechnology Transfer from Japan to China -Desulfurization technology for Coal combustion furnace – |
RM:081 |
2001.12 |
The Recent Research Situation of the Public Opinion Survey onScience&Technology |
RM:080 |
2001.12 |
Study on Regional Science and Technology Indicators |
RM:079 |
2001.6 |
Contribution to the Revision of“The Survey of Research and Development”- Reviews and Recommendations by NISTEP - |
RM:078 |
2001.3 |
Research on Non-Profit Organizations as an Alternative Seotor for Science and Technology Activity Promotion Maroh 2001 |
RM:077 |
2001.3 |
The Proceeding of International Conference on Technology Foresight -The approach to and the potential for New Technology Foresight – |
RM:076 |
2001.6 |
Results of SurveyonAcceleratorBeamNeed |
RM:075 |
2000.12 |
The Perspectives and Viewpoints of Science and Technology in the 21st Century |
RM:074 |
2000.11 |
The Comparative Study of Regional Innovation Systems of Japan and China |
RM:073 |
2000.9 |
RM:072 |
2000.9 |
RESEARCH ON PRESENT CONDITIONS AND IDEAL WAYOF LIFE-CYCLE FOR CREATIVE RESEARCHERS―Study on Promotion of Fluidity for Science andTechnology Human Resources― |
RM:071 |
2000.8 |
The Workshop on “Regional Science & Technology Policy”(14-15,March,2000) |
RM:070 |
2000.6 |
A Consideration on Citizens’ Opinions in Consensus Conferences |
RM:069 |
2000.3 |
The Resultsofthe User Survey on “The 6th Technology Forecast Survey” |
RM:068 |
2000.3 |
Historical Review of Technology Assessment Programs of Science and Technology Agency in the1970s |
RM:067 |
2000.3 |
Study on Internationalization of R&D in National Research Institutesand Private Companies in Japan |
RM:066 |
2000.3 |
The Ethical, Legal and Social Issues concerning the Human Genome Research and its Medical Application |
RM:065 |
2000.1 |
The Workshop on Regional Science & Technology Policy ( 16-17,March,1999 ) |
RM:064 |
1999.12 |
Analysis of Waste Management in Japan |
RM:063 |
1999.6 |
Research Planning Process in National Research Institutes |
RM:062 |
1999.6 |
Issues to be considered concerning the relationship between science/technology andhuman beings/society |
RM:061 |
1999.5 |
Survey ResultsofDevelopment Forecast SurveyonCompact Accelerators and Compact Synchrotron Radiation Generation SystemsBased on Breakthrough Technologies |
RM:060 |
1999.3 |
Employment Issues of Female Researchers and Engineers in Companies |
RM:059 |
1999.8 |
Regionalization of Science and Technology in Japan : The Framework of Partnership between Central and Regional Governments |
RM:058 |
1998.8 |
Survey on High-Technology Industrial Complex(Technopolis)inJapan |
RM:057 |
1998.6 |
Privatization of National Research Institutesin the United Kingdom and New Zealand |
RM:056 |
1998.7 |
The Workshop on Regional Science & Technology Policy (24-25,February,1998) |
RM:055 |
1998.6 |
An International Comparison of Organizations related toScience and Technology Policy in Major Countries:United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Japan |
RM:054 |
1998.5 |
Research Assessment in the United KingdomPublic research funding based on“Value for Money” and “Selectivity”- |
RM:053 |
1998.4 |
Survey and research into state ofmulti-disciplinary faculties in universities |
RM:052 |
1997.10 |
The Workshop on Regional Science & Technology Policy (18-19,March,1997) |
RM:051 |
1997.6 |
Energy Consumption and Air Pollution Controlin Eeast Asian Countries |
RM:050 |
1997.6 |
Report on the process of Technology Transferfrom Japan to China |
RM:049 |
1997.5 |
A Comparative Study on R&D Management between Japanese and French Companies |
RM:048 |
1997.5 |
Comparison of the Advisory Organizationsof Korea and Japan for Science and Technology |
RM:047 |
1997.2 |
Study on S&T Human Resources in 2010 |
RM:046 |
1997.1 |
Research and analysis related to natural science doctoral students number(Provisional translation) |
RM:045 |
1996.12 |
A Research on Personal Computers Technology Transfer-Development of China’s PC Technology and Survey of the Condition ofTechnology Transfer- |
RM:044 |
1996.8 |
How Much R&D Is Needed to Achieve a Targeted Rate of Economic Growth |
RM:043 |
1996.3 |
Investigating the Structure of Technology Trade byAnalysing the Duration of Contracts |
RM:042 |
1995.6 |
Estimation of the Duration of Technological Trade Contractsby Using Numerical Analysis |
RM:041 |
1995.6 |
Activities in Southeast Asia of Japanese companies(Provisional translation) |
RM:040 |
1995.4 |
The Korean Electronic Industry’s Dependency on,andFuture Prospectives in Relation toJapanese Industry |
RM:039 |
1995.3 |
Analysis of Trends in Technology Imports-1993 Fiscal Year- |
RM:038 |
1994.6 |
RM:037 |
1994.3 |
Analysis of Trends in Technology Imports-1992 Fiscal Year- |
RM:036 |
1994.3 |
Dynamics of Technological Knowledge in Product Development Activities |
RM:035 |
1993.10 |
The Japanese Government Laboratory System |
RM:034 |
1993.9 |
Knowledge Creation in Japanese Organizations: Building the Dimensions of Competitive Advantage |
RM:033 |
1993.6 |
Source of Japan’s Competitiveness in manufacturing;One Approach on the Material Technology |
RM:032 |
1993.3 |
Goverment-Sponsored Collaborative Research to Promote Information Technology: Japan’s Challenge to the West? |
RM:031 |
1993.3 |
Characterizing Technological Diversification in Japan |
RM:030 |
1993.2 |
Industrial Growth, Regional Development and the Growing Importance of a Regionally Conscious Policy Formation for Japan -A Quantitative Regional Analysis of the Industrial Diffusion and Development Patterns of Japan- |
RM:029 |
1993.2 |
An Epistemological Foundation for theHistorical View ofScience and Technology;An Introduction to Knowledge Creation and Innovation in Japan |
RM:028 |
1993.3 |
Comparative Study on Career Distribution and Job Consciousness of Engineering Graduates in Japan and the U.S. |
RM:027 |
1992.12 |
International Comparison of Real R&D Expendituresand Purchasing Power Parities (Summary) |
RM:026 |
1993.1 |
Statistics of Japan’s Trade in Technology – Quantitative Analysis Approach – |
RM:025 |
1993.1 |
Analysis of Trends in Technology Imports-1991 Fiscal Year- |
RM:024 |
1992.11 |
RM:023 |
1992.9 |
Analyses of Science&Technology Policy over Long Historical Timeand Large Space |
RM:022 |
1992.9 |
Circulat ing of Knowledge Creation on Common Experiences;A Case of Expert Systen for Blast Furnace Operation |
RM:021 |
1992.3 |
Strategy for Improving Industrial Technological Bases |
RM:020 |
1992.2 |
Background and Professional Activities of NaturalScience Research Personnel in Japan |
RM:019 |
1992.1 |
Enpirical Philosophy for Science and Technology : A View fromSpace Research and Development Experiences |
RM:018 |
1991.12 |
Research and Development Consortia and Cooperative RelatoonshiPS: in Japan’s uperconductivity Industries |
RM:017 |
1992.2 |
Science and Technology Policy in Japan |
RM:016 |
1991.12 |
Analysis of Trends in Technology Imports-1990 Fiscal Year- |
RM:015 |
1991.10 |
Japanese-English Translation of Terms in Science andTechnology Policy |
RM:014 |
1991.9 |
RM:013 |
1991.9 |
Defending Basic Research in Japanese Companies & Science in Japanese Companies:A Preliminary Analysis |
RM:012 |
1991.3 |
The Interchange of Reserchers and Engineers BetweenJapan and Other CountriesStudy Based on「Annual Report of Statistics on Legal Migrants」、「Statistics on Foreiners Stayingin Japan」 and 「Annual Report of Statistics onJapanese Nationals Overseas」-Statistical Figures and Tables- |
RM:011 |
1991.3 |
A Memorandum ofJapanese Basic Research |
RM:010 |
1994.11 |
Materials on Historical Review of Japanese Science andTechnology Policy (Annex4) |
RM:009 |
1991.3 |
Solar Activity and Global Warming- Deduced for Long-Range Variation ofMagnetic Indices - |
RM:008 |
1990.6 |
A Comparizon of Post-Second World War Chinese and JapaneseScience and Technology Development |
RM:007 |
1990.10 |
Enhancing Future Competitiveness – The Japanese Goverment’s Promotion of Basic Research – |
RM:006 |
1990.9 |
Correlation between New Material Development and Resources and Its Social Implication |
RM:005 |
1990.8 |
Graduate Course Background of Japanese University Professors(Interim Findings-Ⅱ) |
RM:005 |
1990.7 |
Science and Technology Policy in East Asian Countries |
RM:004 |
1990.3 |
Transition process and its features of national research and development activities in Japan(Provisional translation) |
RM:003 |
1989.12 |
Graduate Course Background of Japanese University Professors( Interim Findings ) |
RM:002 |
1989.3 |
Outline of Science and Technology activities in Japan |
RM:001 |
1989.4 |
Overview of Eureka plan(Provisional translation) |