Preliminary Report on the Fourth Round of the Japanese National Innovation Survey (J-NIS 2015: Japanese National Innovation Survey 2015)

National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (Director General: Nobuaki KAWAKAMI) has conducted the Japanese National Innovation Survey (J-NIS) in order to examine the state and trend of innovation activities of the private firms in Japan since FY2002. It has recently conducted the fourth round of the survey (the reference period: FY2012‒FY2014), and publishes the preliminary result on it.

The survey results show that there were little change in the ratios of the numbers of realising innovations during this period in Japan as a whole in comparison with those in the previous round of the survey (the reference period: FY2009‒FY2011). Nevertheless, the ratio of the number of realising product innovation is lower than those of realising other types of innovation, such as process, organisational, and marketing innovations, and is likely to be decreasing. It is expected that more firms will introduce products and/or services in future for maintaining the Japanese industrial competitiveness.

The final report of the J-NIS 2015 is scheduled to be published in summer of 2016.


Please see the following link for more details about the preliminary report.

Preliminary Report on the Forth Round of the Japanese National Innovation Survey (J-NIS2015)