The result of ”Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2013”

“Science and Technology Indicators” is a basic resource for understanding Japanese science and
technology activities based on objective, quantitative data. It classifies science and technology
activities into five categories, R&D Expenditure; R&D Personnel; Higher Education; The Output of
R&D; and Science, Technology, and Innovation. The multiple relevant indicators show the state of
Japanese science and technology activities. Structure of the chapter of “Output of R&D” was
changed in the Japanese Science and Technology Indicators 2013. A detailed explanation of the
concept of the counting method is provided, and the adjusted number of top 1% highly cited papers
in the world, which provides a qualitative perspective of the output, was newly analyzed. An
international comparison was made on the number of patent applications using patent families. The
“Science, Technology and Innovation” chapter has been enhanced with the addition of an indicator,
i.e. transition in the export value of medium high technology industry.
Changes in various indicators are registered in the Japanese Science and Technology Indicators
2013 compared with the previous year. Total research and development expenditure in Japan, which
has continued to decline in recent years, showed a 1.6% increase over the previous year. The number
of newly-hired researcher has been trending downward since peaking in 2009. The number of people
enrolling in undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs declined both in 2011 and 2012.
Looking at the number of papers produced in Japan, Japan was third according to the fractional
counting method (degree of contribution in the production of papers in the world). As for the
adjusted number of the top 10% and top 1% highly cited papers in the world, Japan ranked sixth and
seventh, respectively. In the number of patent families, which is the indicator for international
comparison of the number of inventions, Japan ranked number one in the world.