政策研ニュース No.192



  1. Ⅰ.トピックス
    • 日本の特許出願グローバル戦略
        第2研究グループ客員総括主任研究官 近藤 正幸
        第2研究グループ主任研究官 富澤 宏之
        第2研究グループ 上野 泉
  2. Ⅱ.海外事情
    • クラスターの展開とネットワークの役割
       第3調査研究グループ 日本学術振興会フェロー Ana Colovic
  3. Ⅲ. 最近の動き


本のアイコンⅠ. トピックス


第2研究グループ客員総括主任研究官 近藤 正幸
第2研究グループ主任研究官 富澤 宏之
第2研究グループ 上野 泉


日本の科学技術の競争力はIMDの世界競争力ランキングでも高く評価され、特許も多いというのが定説になっている。 本報告では、確かに米国登録特許においては日本が健闘している事実を踏まえた上で、まず、日本の世界における特許出願のシェアが急速に低下している実態を世界知的所有権機構(WIPO)のデータを用いて米国と比較しながら指摘する。次に、その急減の要因について分析し、日本が主な出願先にしている日本の特許庁に出願される特許の割合が世界において大幅に減少していること、その日本の特許庁に出願される特許に占める日本の割合が低下したことが大きな原因であることを明らかにする。米国は逆に世界における特許出願シェアを高めており、日本とは出願戦略に大きな相違があることを明らかにする。最後に今後の研究計画について述べる。

図1 :米国登録特許でEU-15を凌ぐ日本
図2 :絶対数で伸びる日本の世界特許出願
図3 :世界における特許出願シェアが急減した日本、急増した米国
図4 :自国出願特許シェアも急減した日本
図5 :日米の国際出願戦略の相違













総括的に言うと、1991-2000年の米国の特許の世界シェアの変化は(米国の各国シェアを1991年に固定して計算すると)世界の国別の構造変動による分がプラス4%ポイント、(世界の国別の構造を1991年に固定して計算すると) 米国の各国シェア変動による分がプラス8%ポイントであり、世界の国別の構造変動に米国の出願構造が対応していることもあるが、各国において積極的にシェアを伸ばしたことが急増の大きな要因となっていることがわかる。









科学技術政策研究所 (2004a) 「基本計画の達成効果の評価のための調査 科学技術研究のアウトプットの定量的及び定性的評価 平成15年度調査報告書」、NISTEP REPORT No. 79。

科学技術政策研究所 (2004b) 「基本計画の達成効果の評価のための調査 -平成15年度における主な成果-」、NISTEP REPORT No. 74。

1 本稿は日本知財学会「日本知財学会第 2 回学術研究発表会講演要旨集」に掲載された論文を日本知財学会の許可を得て転載したものである。


ロケットのアイコンⅡ. 海外事情


第3調査研究グループ 日本学術振興会フェロー Ana Colovic

写真 :アナ・チョロビッチ
パリ第 9 大学講師・経営学博士課程在籍中。 (2004年11月Ph.D.取得見込み) 「日本の各地域における産学連携の現状・動向」の研究のため、日本学術振興会サマー・プログラムフェローとして、当研究所第3調査研究グループに2004年7月より約6週間滞在。


最近 10 年間、クラスター、すなわちハイテク産業のイノベーティブな企業集積の展開への関心が高まってきた。これは、シリコンバレーなど、クラスターの成功例がある一方で、グローバル化に伴い産業発展の新しい方向を見つける必要性に基づくものである。多くの国では、いかにしてクラスターを創成し、発展させるかについての意識の高まりが見られ、日本もその例外ではない。経済産業省による産業クラスター計画は2001年から実施され、文部科学省による知的クラスター計画は2002年から実施されている。


1. クラスターは政府によって作ることができるか?




2. 日本におけるクラスター計画の実施





3. ネットワークの役割







(本稿は、著者の英語原文を第3調査研究グループ 植杉 紀子が翻訳したものである。)

Cluster Development and the Role of Networks


During the last ten years or so, there has been increasing interest in developing clusters- agglomerations of innovative firms in high-tech industries. The triggers for such interest were the cluster success stories (such as the Silicon Valley) on one hand and the need to find new directions for industrial development in a globalizing world on the other. In many countries, we could witness a growing reflexion on how to generate and promote clusters. Japan is no exception. The implementation of the Industrial Cluster Plan, designed by METI has started in 2001. The Intellectual Cluster Plan, designed by MEXT is being implemented since 2002.

In this short article, I would like to express my thoughts on three cluster-related topics. First, I wish to discuss the creation of clusters. Second, I would like to write a few words on cluster plan implementation in Japan. Finally, I shall outline the role of networks in the cluster development.

Ⅰ Can clusters be created by the government?

There are probably three points of view as to the role of the government institutions in developing clusters. According to the first one, clusters can be generated by the government's policies and institutions. This is a kind of a top-down approach. According to the second, government efforts are useless, because clusters can only be created naturally, that is by auto-organization of actors - firms and research institutions. This means that only bottom-up emergence can be successful. Even if a government's action creates a cluster-like formation, this formation will disappear as soon as the action stops. Finally, the third view agrees that clusters cannot be created by top-down measures, but believes that government can have a role to play in accompanying the cluster creation and growth.

In my view, in general, clusters emerge naturally, as do industrial districts. If we look at clusters around the world, we can see that the great majority of them were created through bottom-up actions, that is, they emerged because local actors organized and engaged in cooperative activities leading to a cluster formation. In some cases, there was a leading firm in a particular field and then other actors concentrated around it, in other cases a university generated start-ups, the success of which attracted other firms to the region etc. So, the actions of local actors create clusters through a bottom-up emergence. Even though in theory it is possible to create a cluster by a policy I believe that most attempts fail. The biggest reason for this is that cluster mechanisms are extremely difficult to grasp and produce. And without cluster mechanisms (such as knowledge-intensive exchange and cooperation through networks) there are no real clusters. Nevertheless, I argue that the government can have a role to play in detecting promising firms and projects and in supporting them. The role of the government is to make things easier for local actors.

Ⅱ Cluster plan implementation in Japan

Within the framework of the Japanese cluster plans, significant funds have been engaged in creating industry-academia collaboration support institutions in Japanese regions and in financing projects in which universities and industry collaborate. I visited three regions targeted by the METI and MEXT cluster plans - TAMA, Hamamatsu and Sapporo. I admit that I still do not quite understand the Japanese bureaucratic system and industry-university collaboration funding. However, I cannot help feeling that a lot of public money is being wasted for the implementation of cluster plans. There are three basic reasons for making me think so.

The first reason is the existence of two cluster plans, which in certain cases overlap. Some regions are targeted both for Intellectual and Industrial cluster development. It is obvious that more coordination between two plans is indispensable. Moreover, I suggest that METI and MEXT should seriously think about merging the two plans into a single one.

The second reason refers to the supporting institutions. There seem to be different institutions and offices, which are in charge of doing exactly the same things - promoting university-industry collaboration. This is partly due to the existence of two cluster plans. I believe that the multiplicity of such offices decreases their transparency for local actors - universities and firms and creates confusion as to which office should be contacted in which case.

Needless to say that money is wasted for financing several institutions or offices and for employing several persons for one single real job position.

The third reason refers to project funding. Firms and research institutions can receive public funding for certain projects if they apply for it. This is seen by many firms and researchers as a great opportunity to have an easy access to funds without much effort. It seems then that writing a good application form is particularly important. Even if the project is not really good, financing can be obtained by an adequately written application form. Linked to this is the problem of low innovativeness and knowledge intensiveness of the projects that receive the funding. In Japan, industry-academia cooperation, start-ups and venture businesses have been the key words related to clusters. A large number of researchers and public officials engaged in cluster development tend to take start-up and venture business as a synonym for profitable and innovative organization. However, the reality is quite different. Many companies regarded as start-ups and ventures fail. Many of them will disappear as soon as they stop receiving government subsidies. Moreover, the innovative capacity and knowledge intensiveness of many such firms is also a very disputable question. The data from my fieldwork in Hamamatsu, Sapporo and TAMA show that very few projects funded are characterized by high innovativeness and high technology. Of several projects about which I learned only one (in Hamamatsu) was truly knowledge intensive and high-tech related. All the others were ordinary product development. Moreover, I would argue that some of the product development projects that are taking place in the ordinary town factories are more advanced than some of those supported within the framework of the cluster plans.

Ⅲ The role of networks

The third point on which I wanted to reflect is the role of networks in clusters. As I said earlier, what makes clusters real clusters are cluster mechanisms. And one key mechanism are knowledge intensive networks. Networks are one of core cluster features. They are the channels through which knowledge intensive exchange takes place. It is through interaction with others that new projects emerge, that innovation takes place and that new knowledge is built. Networks are typically long-term oriented and assume the existence of trust between the involved parties. They provide many benefits for the network members: learning, economic benefits and others.

Now, inter-firm networks are widely present in Japan. If we look at the Japanese industry, we can easily understand that one of its major features are inter-firm networks. These networks are of different types - subcontracting networks, informal confrere (nakama) networks, SME innovative networks, joint order obtaining networks etc. The most advanced and dense cooperative networks are found within industrial agglomerations, in which hundreds and in some cases thousands of manufacturing firms concentrate. Through networks, firms interact, they engage in different kinds of exchange.

So, networks are widely present in the Japanese industry. This element is very important but it is not sufficient for cluster development. In fact, more knowledge-intensive networks are needed. So that is where industry-academia relationships become important. In particular, small firms need to cooperate with universities, due to their small size and the lack of innovation capabilities.

The Japanese cluster plans insist on creating such relationships. However, matching researchers with the industry for short-term or one-project-only cooperative activities does not make such relationships networks. Real networks require long-term commitment and collaboration. These networks are still rare in Japan. There are several reasons for that but let's just mention two. First, it seems to me that in a large number of cases the education received at universities is not fully used in companies. If a student graduates in literature from a famous university and then enters a company at an engineering position, just because he graduated from a famous university there seems to be a problem. The creation of network ties between the university and the firm will not take place. Of course, on job training has some advantages, but it is necessary to think about the role of university education too. The second point is that the mentalities of many university professors and small-firm presidents seem to be worlds apart. So, both sides need to think about overcoming their differences, which could possibly lead to industry-university collaboration.


As a conclusion, I would say that in order for knowledge intensive clusters to be created cluster mechanisms are essential. One key cluster mechanism are knowledge-intensive long-term oriented networks between members of academia and industry. These networks are still very few in Japan. So, in order to make the existence of such networks possible, a deep reflexion on the reasons why they are absent is necessary. I believe that these reasons will be found both within the industry and the academia parties.


時計のアイコンⅢ. 最近の動き

○ 主要来訪者一覧
・9/2Mr. Joaquin Villa: スペイン・ギプスコア県副知事を団長とするバスク・ギプスコア訪日技術調査団一行
・9/10Dr. Balowin Ngubane: 南アフリカ大使館大使
Mr. Vuyani Lingela: 同大使館参事官
・9/13 - 14Prof. Luke Georghiou: 英マンチェスター大人文学研究担当副学部長兼PREST理事 他
(「基本計画レビュー調査」国際ワークショップ) (表紙写真)
・9/17Prof. Steven Collins: 米国Washington大学ボセル校助教授
・9/19Mr. Tao Wenyi: 中国 (国立) 江南大学学長及びバイオテクノロジー学科教授 (Ph.D.)
Mr. LI Hunazhong: 同教授
Ms. Tang Lei: 同理学部バイオテクノロジー学科助教授
○ 講演会・セミナー
・9/7Dr.Daniel Malkin: OECD科学技術産業局 (STI) 科学技術政策課 (STP) 課長
「OECD科学技術政策委員会 (CSTP) の最近の活動
・9/13 - 14「基本計画レビュー調査」国際ワークショップ
・9/30持田 勲: 日本エネルギー学会長・九州大学産学連携センター特任教授
○ 月例成果報告会
・9/29八木 晃一: 科学技術動向研究センター客員研究官
「材料データベースの課題と将来展望 - 世界で使われる材料データベースを目指して - 」
小松 裕司: 科学技術動向研究センター情報通信ユニット特別研究員
○ 新着研究報告・資料
「科学技術動向 2004 年 9 月号」(9 月 30 日発行)
  特集 1 二つの合理性と日本のソフトウェア工学
  客員研究官 林 晋
客員研究官 黒川 利明
  特集 2 材料データベースの課題と将来展望 - 世界で使われる材料データベースを目指して -
  客員研究官 八木 晃一
文部科学省科学技術政策研究所広報委員会(政策研ニュース担当: 情報分析課news@nistep.go.jp)
